2022 U20 World Championships Match Recaps – Women’s Freestyle

50 KG

Round of 16 – Audrey Jimenez vs Gultakin Shirinova (Azerbaijan)

Jimenez is in on a double and covers the hips for a takedown to go up 2-0. Jimenez takes the same shot as her first takedown to pick up 2 and adds 4 points off of a leg lace to make it 8-0. Jimenez drives Shirinova out for a step out point to make it 9-0. Shirinova opens up the 2nd period with a takedown and it is now 9-2. Jimenez bulls Shirinova into a takedown to make it 11-2. Poor shot attempt from Jimenez but she is able to work through it and picks up a takedown. Jimenez wins 13-2.

Quarterfinals – Audrey Jimenez vs Gabija Dilyte (Lithuania)

Dilyte has been put on the shot clock and will give up a point, Jimenez leads 1-0. It is 1-0 at the break, both wrestlers are not giving an inch. Jimenez looking to finish and does for 2 and she has a leg lace and it’s over. Jimenez wins 11-0.

Semi-Finals – Audrey Jimenez vs Natalia Edyta Walczak (Poland)

Walczak gets a step out and earns a caution and 1. Jimenez trys for a roll but got to high and Walczak scores on an exposure, its 4-0. Jimenez is in on a single and we are scrambling Walczak goes to her back and Jimenez sticks it. Jimenez wins by Fall in 2:49, she is in the finals.

Finals – Audrey Jimenez vs Umi Ito (Japan)

Ito opens up with a takedown and holds a 2-0 lead. Ito in on a single leg and will finish, plus a gut wrench and it is 6-0 early. Ito hits a nice go-behind for a takedown and it is 8-0. Jimenez is in on a single leg but Ito counters and gets a takedown. Ito wins 10-0. Jimenez will earn SILVER.

53 KG

Round 16 – Katie Gomez vs Emine Cakmak (Turkey)

Nice ankle pick by Gomez for a takedown to take a 2-0 early lead. Cakmak dropped down on an ankle pick but Gomez counters for 2 exposure, she works a leg lace for another exposure and it’s 6-0. It remains 6-0 at the break. Nice little go behind for Gomez to get the takedown, she locks up a leg lace and picks up 2 for exposure and that is it. Gomez wins 10-0.

Quarterfinals – Katie Gomez vs Altyn Shagayeva (Kazakhstan)

Gomez is put on the shot clock and gives up a point to make it 1-0 Shagayeva headed to the break. Gomez picks up a takedown to open up the 2nd period to make it 2-1. Shagayeva has an upper body lock and puts Gomez on her back and is looking for the fall. That’s it, Shagayeva with the Fall.

Repechage – Katie Gomez vs Nazife Mustafa Tair (Bulgaria)

Gomez with a quick takedown for 2 and locks up a leg lace for 2 turns to make it 6-0. Headlock for Tair and she will pick up 2, Gomez gets the reversal and locks up a leg lace and that is it. Gomez wins 13-2.

Bronze – Katie Gomez vs Shaimaa Atef Barakat Mohamed (Egypt)

Gomez with a swing single leg attack that takes Mohamed to her back for 4 points. Mohamed is in on a shot on the edge and will pick up a takedown to make it 4-2. Mohamed takes a bad shot and Fomez counters for 2 and is in on a leg lace to get three more turns and that’s it. Katie Gomez wins 12-2 and will take home BRONZE.

55 KG

Quarterfinals – Adrian Dorado Marin vs Roza Szenttamasi (Hungary)

Szenttamasi starts out with a takedown and Dorado Marin picks up a point and it is 2-1. Szenttamasi is back in and picks up 2 and it is 4-1. Szenttamasi drops in on an ankle pick to make it 6-1. Dorado Marin was in on a shot but Szenttamasi defends it well and picks up 2 to make it 8-1. Szenttamasi picks up 2 for exposure and Dorado Marin will get a reversal, it is 10-2. Szenttamasi finishes it off and will win 12-2.

57 KG

Round of 16 – Sofia Macaluso vs Sito (India)

Sito picks up a takedown to open up the scoring, 2-0 Sito. Sito is in on a deep double and there is no getting out of that one, 4-0 Sito. Inside trip for Macaluso for 2, she locks up a leg lace for 2 more and Macaluso has a lead on criteria 4-4 heading into the break. 1 minute left and no score change yet. Macaluso has an undertook and bulls Sito over for the fall in 5:53.

Quarterfinals – Sofia Macaluso vs Aurora Russo (Italy)

Macaluso takes Russo to her back for a big 4 point move to lead 4-0. Russo hits a go-behind for 2 and cuts Macaluso’s lead to 4-2. Takedown again for Russo to tie it at 4-4, Macaluso has the lead on criteria. Macaluso puts Russo flat on her back and thats going to be a fall. Macaluso wins by Fall in 2:11.

Semi-Finals – Sofia Macaluso vs Melda Dernekci (Turkey)

Macaluso starts it off with a takedown to go up 2-0. Macaluso jacks up underhooks but steps out before she could finish so its 2-1. Macaluso capitalizes off of a scramble for 2 and locks up a leg lace for 3 more turns, 10-1 Macaluso. Macaluso fights off a low shot attempt and works Dernekci over to her back and is looking for the fall. That is it, Sofia Macaluso is in the finals with a fall in 2:37.

Finals – Sofia Macaluso vs Ruka Natami (Japan)

Natami is hit with passivity and goes on the clock, Natami will surrender a point so Macaluso leads 1-0. The score holds to the break, Macaluso leads 1-0. Natami picks up a takedown on the edge, Natami leads 2-1. 4 point move for Natami on the edge and that will end it. Natami wins 6-1 and Macaluso will take home SILVER.

59 KG

Quarterfinals – Savannah Cosme vs Ebru Dagbasi (Turkey)

Dagbasi was put on the shot clock and Cosme picks up a point to make it 1-0. Still 1-0, Cosme headed to the break. Cosme is now on the shot clock and surrenders a point to Dagbasi who now has the lead in criteria 1-1. Cosme could not get anything going and Dagbasi wins on criteria 1-1.

62 KG

Round of 16 – Adaugo Nwachukwu vs Iris Thiebaux (France)

Nwachukwu starts out with a nice lat drop for 4. Nwachukwu back on the attack and she goes outside trip and puts Thiebaux on her back and is looking for the fall and gets it. Nwachukwu wins by fall in 2:56.

Quarterfinals – Adaugo Nwachukwu vs Sonam (India)

Nwachukwu is on the board first with a step out. Sonam also picks up a step out and it is 1-1, Sonam leads on criteria. We are trading step outs here as Nwachukwu gets a step out to go up 2-1. No change in score as it is 2-1 Nwachukwu at the break. Nwachukwu throws in some underhooks and gets another step out to go up 3-1. Body lock from Sonam to pick up a takedown to take the lead 4-3. Sonam drives Nwachukwu out for another step out point to make it 5-3. Underhooks again for Nwachukwu to get a step out, she is still trailing 5-4. Caution and 1 was given on that step out to tie it 5-5 but Sonam leads on criteria. That is it, Sonam wins 5-5 on criteria.

Repechage – Adaugo Nwachukwu vs Tynys Dubek (Kazakhstan)

Upper body lock for Nwachukwu for 4 points and is looking for the fall. Nwachukwu gets the fall in 1:29.

Bronze – Adaugo Nwachukwu vs Bermet Nuridin Kyzy (Kyrgyzstan)

Quick step out point for Nwachukwu to go up 1-0. Nuridin Kyzy tries a throw but Nwachukwu keeps great positioning and puts Nuridin Kyzy on her back for 4. Nwachukwu gets 2 more turns to make it 9-0. Nwachukwu finishes the match off with a push out to win 10-0. Adaugo Nwachukwu will finish with a BRONZE medal.

65 KG

Round of 16 – Reese Larramendy vs Zofia Polowczyk (Poland)

Larramendy is put on the shot clock, gets in on a single and scores, 2-0 Larramendy. We are scrambling and each wrestler picks up 2 for exposure and it is 4-2 Larramendy at the break. Larramendy pocks up a takedown and picks up 2 for exposure to go up 8-2. Polowczyk tries a desperation headlock but gets put on her back and thats it. Larramendy wins 12-2.

Quarterfinals – Reese Larramendy vs Mahiro Yoshitake (Japan)

Yoshitake opens it up with a go-behind for 2 and 4 more points on exposure to make it 6-0 early. Yoshitake is back in on an attack and picks up a takedown and a gut wrench for exposure and that’s it. Yoshitake wins 10-0.

Repechage – Reese Larramendy vs Eniko Elekes (Hungary)

Larramendy picks up 2 early. Elekes ties it up with a takedown to make it 2-2 with Elekes leading on criteria. Still 2-2 at the break. 1 point for a step out for Elekes to extend her lead to 3-2. Big takedown for Larramendy to make it 4-3 with 1:20 to go. Elekes is in on a shot but Larramendy exposes Elekes 3 times and extends her lead to 10-3. Elekes quickly with a takedown to make it 10-5. Takedown for Elekes and into a leg lace for 2 and 2 but that’s it. Larramendy wins 10-9.

Bronze – Reese Larramendy vs Khadija Jlassi (Tunisia)

Nice takedown for Larramendy to take a 2-0 lead 2 minutes into the match. Larramendy’s 2-0 lead holds to the break. Big 4 point move off of a single leg for Jlassi to take a 4-2 lead. Step out awarded to Jlassi to make it 5-2. Another 4 pointer for Jlassi to make it 9-2. That will do it, Jlassi will win 9-2.

68 KG

Round of 16 – Destiny Rodriguez vs Laura Godino (Italy)

Godino gets a body lock into an inside trip for 4 to make it 4-0 early on. Nice single leg from Godino to pick up 2 and then gets 2 exposure but Rodriguez pocks up a reversal and it is now 8-1. Side by side Godino works Rodriguez over to her back for 2 and it is 10-1 and that score holds until the break. Godino keeps up the pressure after a bad shot attempt from Rodriguez and that is it. Godino wins 12-1.

72 KG

Round of 16 – Amit Elor vs Zaineb Sghaier (Tunisia)

Elor was working a 2 on 1 and gets the step out. Elor gets behind for 2 and locks up a gut for 2 more and it is now 5-0. Elor gets another takedown and is looking for the fall and she gets it. Elor advances with a fall in 1:35.

Quarterfinals – Amit Elor vs Zsofia Virag (Hungary)

Elor starts out with a takedown to go up in the match 2-0. Elor is back in hits a snap down, go-behind for 2 and hits a leg lace for 2 more and its 6-0. Elor copies her last move into a leg lace for 2 more and that’s it. Elor moves on winning 10-0.

Semi-Finals – Amit Elor vs Reetika (India)

Reetika starts it out with a step out to take a 1-0 lead. Elor is in on an attack and she gets a takedown and locks up a gut wrench for 2 turns and leads 6-1. Nice go-behind for Elor for the takedown and the keg lace is locked and it’s over. Amit Elor wins 12-1.

Finals – Amit Elor vs Anastassiya Panassovich (Kazakhstan)

Step out point for Elor, to go up 1-0. Elor hits a nice go-behind to pick up 2 more to make it 3-0. Another takedown for Elor and she locks up a leg lace for 2 more turns and it’s 9-0. Elor quickly in on the attack and picks up a step out to end it. Amit Elor wins GOLD!

76 KG

Round of 16 – Tristan Kelly vs Ana Julia Dos Santos (Brazil)

Kelly got in a a deep single and pushed Dos Santos out for a step out point to lead 1-0. Both wrestlers have been warned for passivity. After the warning Kelly drops in on a double leg to pick up a takedown to extend her lead to 3-0. Another takedown for Kelly and it is 5-0 at the break. Kelly picks up another takedown to make it 7-0 with 1:40 to go. Bad shot attempt from Dos Santos leads to a takedown for Kelly and it is now 9-0. That’s it, Kelly wins 9-0.

Quarterfinals – Tristan Kelly vs Ayano Moro (Japan)

Moro has been warned for passivity. Kelly is in on a good shot but does not finish, that will put Moro on the shot clock. Side by side position and Moro finishes for 2 but surrendered a shot clock point so it is 2-1 head to the break. Deep double by Moro was well defended by Kelly and she comes out on tip in a scramble, 3-2 Kelly. Another deep double by Moro and she will pick up 2 and then she sticks Kelly on her back for the fall, Moro moves on.

Bronze – Tristan Kelly vs Daniela Tkachuk (Poland)

Tkachuk is warned for passivity less than a minute in. Tkachuk is now on the shot clock and will give up a point, 1-0 Kelly. Kelly is looking for a single leg but Tkachuk was able to turn Kelly for 2 exposure, Kelly was also able to get 2 so it is 3-2 with Kelly leading headed to the break. Kelly is in on a deep single into a double for 2 and 2 and plants Tkachuk on her back and picks up a fall in 3:58. Kelly wins BRONZE.