2022 U20 World Championships Match Recaps – Men’s Freestyle

57 KG

Round of 16 – Jore Volk vs Ahmad Mohammadnezhad (Iran)

Volk starts the match out with a takedown but Mohammadnezhad gets a reversal and a gut wrench to lead 3-2. Volk gets another point to make it 3-3 and then a takedown to make it 5-3 after 1. Mohammadnezhad gets a takedown in the 2nd period with 36 seconds left and leads 5-5 on criteria. Volk with short time gets behind Mohammadnezhad but no 2 was rewarded. USA challenged the call and it was overturned. Volk picks up the win 7-5.

Quarterfinals – Jore Volk vs Azizbek Naimov (Uzbekistan)

This match starts out hot with Volk and Naimov exchanging exposure points to tie it 2-2 and Volk picks up a takedown to make it 4-2. Volk adds another takedown to make it 6-2 at the break. In the 2nd period Volk picks up a step out point to make it 7-2 and that’s it. Volk wins the match 7-2.

Semi-Finals – Jore Volk vs Luke Gvinjila (Georgia)

Gvinjila opened up the scoring with a takedown on an arm spin to take a 2-0 lead. Volk answered with his own takedown and takes the 2-2 lead on criteria headed to the break. Slow start to the 2nd period until Volk hits a go behind that turns into a single leg for 2, add a caution and 1 to take a 5-2 lead. Volk is on top in Par Terre after the caution and locks up a gut wrench and rolls Gvinjila 4 times to take the lead 13-2, Gvinjila comes out on top and picks up 2 after the challenge was won, it’s 13-4. Gvinjila hits a leg lace after start in Par Terre and picks up 2 points to make it 13-6. That’s it, Jore Volk is in the Finals winning 13-6.

Finals – Jore Volk vs Merey Bazarbayev (Kazakhstan)

Great attack from Volk to start but he couldn’t bring Bazarbayev down, he does get the step out point to lead 1-0. Deep single for Volk and he gets the takedown, it’s 3-0. Volk is hit with passivity and goes on the shot clock and gives up a point, 3-1 Volk. Volk is hit with a caution and 1 so it is only 3-2. Volk holds off a late flurry by Bazarbayev and wins GOLD!

61 KG

Round of 32 – Nic Bouzakis vs Arslan Rakhimov (Uzbekistan)

Rakhimov opens up the scoring with a 2 and 2 and then a leg lace to take a 6-0 lead. Bouzakis the locks up a cradle and we have exposure points. Bouzakis picks up 4 exposure points and then tightens the cradle and picks up the fall in 1:25.

Round of 16 – Nic Bouzakis vs Abdullah Toprak (Turkey)

Deep single from Toprak and he gets the finish but with the scramble Bouzakis get 2 exposure and so does Toprak and it’s 4-2 Toprak. Bouzakis is now in on a shot and it is defended by Toprak but Bouzakis throws in a deep half and turns Toprak on his back. Bouzakis picks up the fall in 1:58 to advance.

Quarterfinals – Nic Bouzakis vs Armin Habibzadeh (Iran)

Habibzadeh gets an early takedown after countering a shot to go up 2-0. Bouzakis was in on a shot but it was well defended by Habibzadeh, Bouzakis gets a step out but Iran challenges. Challenge lost for Iran so another point for Bouzakis, Habibzadeh still leads on criteria 2-2. Habibzadeh gets a takedown quickly but Bouzakis defends a gut wrench and picks up exposure points, Habibzadeh still has 4-4 lead on criteria. Habibzadeh answers with a takedown and now leads 6-4 to the break. Bouzakis opens up the 2nd period with a takedown and a leg lace to take the lead 8-6. The two trade step out points to make it 9-7. Habibzadeh then gets a takedown and locks up a leg lace to make it 13-9. Bouzakis gets a takedown to make it 13-11 but that’s it, Habibzadeh wins 13-11.

Repechage – Nicholas Bouzakis vs Mykyta Abramov (Ukraine)

Quick start for Abramov as he picks up 2 and 2 and adds a gut wrench to make it 6-0 a minute into the match. Failed inside trip attempt by Abramov leads to a Bouzakis takedown to cut the deficit to 6-2. Another 2 and 2 for Abramov off of an inside trip and it is 10-2. Bouzakis quickly answers with a 4 point move off of a double leg to make it 10-6 at the break. Bouzakis opens up the 2nd period with a takedown and it is now 10-8 Abramov. Bouzakis drops in a double that turns into a single leg attack for a takedown, Abramov leads on criteria 10-10. Bouzakis goes behind on a front head lock position to get the takedown, Abramov gets a reversal and 2 exposure points and it is 13-13 Abramov on criteria with 48 seconds left. Abramov gets a takedown to make it 15-13, USA challenges. Challenge lost is 16-13 with 15 seconds left. Bouzakis gets a takedown but cannot get a turn and that is it. Abramov wins 16-15.

65 KG

Round of 32 – Robert Cornella vs Olzhas Olzhakanov (Kazakhstan)

All Cornella in his opening match. Cornella was on the clock early with both wrestlers not doing much but Olzhakanov was holding center. Before a passivity point could be rewarded, Cornella threw in under hooks and hit an inside trip, this made it 4-0 after 1. Cornella controlled most of the second period picking up two takedowns to make it 8-0 and that was were it ended.

Round of 16 – Robert Cornella vs Ismail Pomakov (Bulgaria)

Cornella opened up the match with a takedown and 4 subsequent exposure points to take a quick 6-0 lead. Cornella then picks up a take down with 1 minute to go in the period and then picks up 2 for exposure. Quick 10-0 tech fall for Cornella.

Quarterfinals – Robert Cornella vs Mohammad Reza Asadollah Shakeri (Iran)

Shakeri picks up a passivity point after Cornella was put on the clock. Shakeri then adds a takedown to take a 3-0 lead headed to the break. Shakeri picked up a step out point to make it 4-0 with 2 minutes left. Cornella turns around and picked up a takedown put gave up a reversal to trail Shakeri 5-2. Cornella picked up a takedown on a throw-by with 30 seconds left but still trails 5-4. Cornella completes the comeback with another throw-by late in the match to win it 6-5.

Semi-Finals – Robert Cornella vs Umidjon Jalolov (Uzbekistan)

Not much happening in the 1st period. Cornella was hit with passivity and put on the clock. Jalolov scores on a shot clock point and leads 1-0 at the break. Cornella was put on the shot clock again and gives up a point and it is 2-0. Jalolov picks up a takedown with a minute to go to make it 4-0 and that is it. Cornella loses in the Semi-Finals 4-0 and will await his opponent in the Bronze Medal match.

Bronze – Robert Cornella vs Yoshinosuke Aoyagi (Japan)

Aoyagi is put on the shot clock and Cornella is in on a shot, Cornella gets the shot clock point and 2 for exposure and it is 3-0 headed to break. Aoyagi opens up the 2nd period with a takedown to cut Cornella’s lead to 3-2. Aoyagi comes back to take a 4-3 lead on Cornella after a takedown but Cornella gets 2 of his own on an exposure to take the lead back at 6-4, Japan challenged. Japan wins the challenge and the score is 6-6 with Aoyagi winning on criteria.

70 KG

Round of 32 – Mitchell Mesenbrink vs Muhammad Abdurachmanov (Belgium)

This match went quick in favor of Mesenbrink. Mesenbrink started off quickly picking up a quick 2, then about 20 seconds later another 2 with 4 exposure points subsequently on a leg lace. Mesenbrink finished the match out with a 4 pointer on the edge to take the match 12-0.

Round of 16 – Mitchell Mesenbrink vs Kanat Kerimbekov (Kyrgyzstan)

Don’t blink because Mesenbrink works quick. Mesenbrink started out with a quick takedown to make it 2-0 early. Then Mesenbrink picks up two more takedowns and adds in a gut wrench for exposure to make it 8-0 1:10 into the match. Then Mesenbrink locks up the win with a takedown to pick up the 10-0 tech.

Quarterfinals – Mitchell Mesenbrink vs Hossein Mohammad Aghaei (Iran)

Aghaei opened up the match with a takedown to make it 2-0. Aghaei picked up another takedown off of a scramble but Mesenbrink picks up the reversal but trails 4-1. Aghaei then gets a step out to lead 5-1 at the break. Mesenbrink opens up with a takedown to cut the lead to 5-3 but Aghaei picks up two of his own to make it 7-3 and then it was 7-4. Mesenbrink picks up a takedown on a go-behind to make it 7-6 and then after blood time Mesenbrink picks up another takedown to take an 8-7 lead. Aghaei was hit with passivity and gives up a point to extend Mesenbrink’s lead to 9-7 and that’s where it ended. Mesenbrink wins 9-7.

Semi-Finals – Mitchell Mesenbrink vs Hayk Papikyan (Armenia)

Massive flurry to start off the match but there were no points. Mesenbrink gets hit with passivity and goes on the shot clock and gives up a point giving Papikyan a 1-0 lead that he holds to the break. Papikyan got in with a deep double to pick up 2 and leads 3-0. Papikyan takes a bad shot and Mesenbrink counters for 2 to cut the lead to 3-2 with 2 minutes left. Mesenbrink quickly gets another 2 on the edge to take a 4-3 lead. Mesenbrink gets in on a deep double to take a 6-3 lead and that’s it. Mesenbrink is headed to the finals winning 6-3.

Finals – Mitchell Mesenbrink vs Kanan Heybatov (Azerbaijan)

Heybatov gets an early takedown and sinks a half in to get exposure points, Mesenbrink picks up a reversal but it is 6-1 Heybatov. Mesenbrink picks up a step out to cut the lead to 6-2. Heybatov gets a step out point to end the period 7-2. Mesenbrink picks up a step out quickly into the 2nd period and it’s 7-3. Heybatov gets a takedown off of a deep single to naked it 9-3 with 2 minutes left. Takedown for Mesenbrink off of a front headlock to make it 9-5. Mesenbrink scores off a caution and 1 to make it 9-6. Heybatov with a crucial takedown with 42 seconds left to extend his lead to 11-6. Mesenbrink gets a step out to make it 11-7. Off the whistle Heybatov gets in on a deep double to make it 13-7 and that’s it. Mesenbrink will take home SILVER.

74 KG

Round of 16 – Alex Facundo vs Erfan Elahi (Iran)

Elahi gets a step out to take the early lead but Facundo gets a takedown to take a 2-1 lead. Elahi picks up a takedown with under a minute to go in the period to lead 3-2 and the score holds there  to the break. Nice single leg for Elahi to get a takedown and is up 5-2. Facundo picks up a big takedown with 1:25 left to cut the deficit to 1, 5-4. Facundo with a late shot but Elahi gets out of it and holds on for a 5-4 win over Facundo.

79 KG

Round of 16 – Brayden Thompson vs Sobhan Yari (Iran)

Yari opens up the match with a throw-by and the takedown and adds 2 for exposure on the gut wrench to make it 4-0 after 1. Yari is hit with passivity and gives up a point but still leads Thompson 4-1. Yari picks up a takedown with 35 seconds to go to make it 6-1 and that’s the final score. Thompson will need Yari to win in the Semi-Finals to pull him into the repechage.

Repechage – Brayden Thompson vs Bekir Ovec (Turkey)

Slow start to this match. Thompson was hit with passivity and gives up a point, 1-0 Ovec with 1 minute to go in the period and that score held to the end of the period. Thompson is put back on the shot clock to start the 2nd period and gives up a point, 2-0 Ovec with 1:40 left. Ovec was hit with passivity and goes on the shot clock. Thompson gets a point off the shot clock but trails 2-1 with 40 seconds left and the score holds there. Thompson loses 2-1 in the repechage.

86 KG

Round of 32 – Bennett Berge vs Gurgen Simonyan (Armenia)

Quick one here for Berge as he got a takedown and locked up a leg lace for 4 turns and picks up a quick 10-0 tech. Not much more to say with that one.

Round of 16 – Bennett Berge vs Nandor Hajduch (Hungary)

Slow start for this match but Hajduch picks up a takedown out of a back and forth scramble to open up the scoring, he leads 2-0. Berge gets in on a nice ankle pick for 2 and then locks up a leg lace for another 2 and Berge now leads 4-2. In the 2nd period Berge hits a go-behind and picks up 2 and locks up a leg lace for another 2 and it is 8-2 Berge. Berge finishes off the match with 2 more takedowns and wins 12-2.

Quarterfinals – Bennett Berge vs Nazar Dod (Ukraine)

Berge in on a deep double to pick up 2 on the edge to take a 2-0 lead. Berge comes off blood time and gets a takedown and locks up a leg lace to take an 8-0 lead with 1 minute left in the period. Bad shot attempt by Dod and Berge makes him pay with a nice double to get the takedown. Berge gets the 10-0 win to advance.

Semi-Finals – Bennett Berge vs Ismail Kucuksolak (Turkey)

Slow start to this match and Berge gets hit with passivity and gives up a point, 1-0 Kucuksolak. A nice move from Kucuksolak gives him 2 and 2. He is up 5-0 at the break. Berge is on the board with a step out point, Berge trails 5-1. Berge gets another step out point to cut the deficit to 5-2. Berge picks up 3 more step out points to tie it at 5-5, Kucuksolak holds criteria. Berge comes all the way back after countering a poor shot attempt from Kucuksolak, 7-5 Berge. Berge picks up another takedown and it’s 9-5, Kucuksolak with a late takedown but that’s it, Berge wins 9-7.

Finals – Bennett Berge vs Rakhim Magamadov (France)

1 minute in and both have traded half shots, Magamadov has been warned for passivity. Berge has also been warned for passivity. Berge has been put on the shot clock but gets in on a shot, he gives up a point but gets a takedown to go up 2-1. Berge then gets 2 off the whistle and now leads 4-1 at the break. Berge was in on a shot but Magamadov flips him over for exposure points and Berge is on top with a reversal, 5-3. Magamadov picks up a 4 point move to lead 7-5. Berge was in on a double leg and gets behind but it was called 2 exposure for Magamadov, no challenge from the US and its 9-5. Magamadov gets a step out and it’s 10-5. That is it, Magamadov wins and Berge will take home SILVER.

92 KG

Round of 16 – Jaxon Smith vs Ion Demian (Moldova)

Smith opens up with a takedown to lead 2-0 and then a quick step out for another point, 3-0 Smith. Smith with another step out to make it 4-0. Smith picks up another takedown and that’s the end of the period, 6-0 Smith. Smith picks up another takedown on a nice single leg to make it 8-0 but Demian gets a step out to make it 8-1 and that’s it. Smith wins 8-1.

Quarterfinals – Jaxon Smith vs Andro Margishvili (Georgia)

Margishvili starts out with a takedown but Smith answers with his own takedown to tie it 2-2. Margishvili gets a 4 point move and holds a 6-2 lead at the break. Margishvili opens up the 2nd period with a takedown and exposure points to make it 10-2. Margishvili finishes the match with another takedown to win 12-2.

Repechage – Jaxon Smith vs Kiril Kildau (Germany)

Smith opens up with a takedown and 3 turns to make it 8-0 early. Smith is looking to finish this match off but Kildau fights off a single leg attack. Jaxon Smith finishes off Kildau with a single leg to advance to the BRONZE Medal Match winning 10-0.

Bronze – Jaxon Smith vs Sergey Sargsyan (Armenia)

Smith capitalizes off of a poor shot from Sargsyan and picks up 2 on a takedown to take a 2-0 lead. Sargsyan is put on the shot clock but picks up a takedown and now leads 2-2 on criteria and that score will hold to the break. Sargsyan gets a step out and it is 3-2. Sargsyan gets in on a deep double to go up 5-2. Sargsyan gets a step out point and it’s 6-2. Sargsyan gets a takedown and locks up a leg lace and that will do it. Sargsyan wins 12-2.

97 KG

Round of 16 – Ben Kueter vs Dimitros Duscov (Moldova)

Kueter controlled this match from the start. This match did start out slow but Kueter picked up a takedown 50 seconds into the period. Kueter would then pick up two more takedowns in the period to make it 6-0 after 1. The 2 period ended in under a minute with Kueter picking up 2 takedowns to end the match 10-0.

Quarterfinals – Ben Kueter vs Niraj (India)

Niraj picked up a step out point to take a 1-0 lead early on. Kueter picks up 4 exposure points after countering an attack to take a 4-1 lead. Kueter will add 2 more points and leads 6-1 at the break. Slow 2nd period but Kueter picks up a takedown to make it 8-1 and that’s where it will finish. Kueter gets the win 8-1.

Semi-Finals – Ben Kueter vs Luka Khutchua (Georgia)

Quick takedown from Khutchua off the whistle and he locks up a gut and turns Kueter 3 times to take an 8-0 lead. Kueter picks up a takedown and 2 for exposure to cut the deficit to 8-4. Kueter cuts the deficit to 2 after a takedown to make it 8-6. Khutchua then gets a step out to go up 9-6. Kueter comes back off the whistle and picks a single leg for 2 on the edge and a caution and 1. It’s 9-9 with Kueter leading after 1. Khutchua opens up the scoring in the 2nd period with a step out but off the whistle Kueter picks up 2 and 2 exposure to take a 13-10 lead. Kueter goes behind for 2 to go up 15-10. Khutchua gets a takedown and works a gut for 2 and 2 to make it 15-14 but Kueter counters on top to pick up 2 exposure and leads 17-14. That’s it, Kueter wins 17-14 in a wild match.

Finals – Ben Kueter vs Rifat Gidak (Turkey)

Gidak gets a great go behind and breaks the quad pod for 2 exposure. Kueter hips out and gets on top of Gidak for 2 exposure and settles in a bar. Kueter works that bar for 3 more tilts and on the fourth tilt Kueter settles in and looks for the fall. After a failed bridge attempt by Gidak, Kueter flattens him and picks up the Fall in 1:39 for World GOLD!

125 KG

Quarterfinals – Nicholas Feldman vs Georgi Ivanov (Bulgaria)

Nice single leg shot for Feldman turns into a takedown and he has a 2-0 lead with 1:30 to go in the period and the score holds to the break. Feldman drops down for an ankle pick and lifts it up and drives Ivanov out of bounds for a step out point, 3-0 Feldman. Feldman was hit with passivity, was in on a shot and awarded 2, Bulgaria challenged and won so its 3-1. Feldman picks up a takedown to make it 5-1 and Ivanov gets a step out but that’s it. Feldman wins 5-2.

Semi-Finals – Nicholas Feldman vs Amirreza Masoumi (Iran)

Masoumi opens up with a takedown to lead 2-0 and shortly after adds a step out to go up 3-0. Masoumi is keeping the pressure up with a step and a caution and 1, Masoumi leads 5-0. Another step out and caution and 1 for Masoumi who now leads 7-0 after 1. Nice single attempt from Feldman but a great counter from Masoumi to take a 9-0 lead. Feldman is on the board with a step out 9-1. Masoumi finishes it off with a takedown to win 11-1.

Bronze – Nicholas Feldman vs Merab Suleimanashvili (Georgia)

Suleimanashvili scores a takedown to open up the scoring after a failed arm whip by Feldman, it’s 2-0. Feldman in on a single and will score a takedown and exposure for 4 and Suleimanashvili gets an exposure plus a step out and it’s 5-4 Suleimanashvili. Feldman in on a shot and converts put Suleimanashvili flips Feldman over on his back and sticks him. Suleimanashvili wins by Fall in 2:32.