2022 Senior World Championships Match Recaps – Men’s Freestyle

57 KG

Round of 16 – Thomas Gilman vs Georgii Okorokov (Australia)

Big 4 pointer from Gilman out of bounds to make it 4-0 early. Single leg shot leads to a takedown to make it 6-0. Ankle pick for Gilman and he picks up a step out point, 7-0 Gilman at the break. Single leg for 2 and then a gut wrench to end it, Gilman wins 11-0.

Quarterfinals – Thomas Gilman vs Zanabazar Zandanbud (Mongolia)

Zandanbud is on the shot clock first, he will not score so Gilman takes a 1-0 lead with 1 minute left in the 1st period. Gilman adds a step out to make it 2-0 at the break. Side by side into a single leg for Gilman to take a 4-0 lead with 2 minutes to go. Zandanbud with a step out and Gilman has his own and that’s it, Gilman wins 5-1.

Semi-Finals – Thomas Gilman vs Wanhao Zou (China)

Zou goes on the shot clock and that will give Gilman a point plus a takedown as that clock expired, 3-0 Gilman. Both exchange step out points to end the 1st period, Gilman leads 4-1. Far side single and whip for 2, Gilman up 6-1. Snap down by Gilman for a takedown, 8-1. Zou gets in on a single leg and picks up a step out, 8-2. That’s it, Thomas Gilman is the winner 8-2.

Finals – Thomas Gilman vs Zelimkhan Abakarov (Albania)

2 for Abakarov for a correct throw to take a 2-0 lead. Go-behind for Abakarov for a takedown, 4-0 Abakarov quickly. Caution and 1 is called for grabbing the hands, 5-0 Abakarov. Step out for Gilman, 5-1. We go to the break with Abakarov leading 5-1. Takedown for Abakarov off the whistle to go up 7-1. Step out for Gilman to make it 7-2. That will do it, Abakarov wins 7-2, Gilman takes home SILVER.

61 KG

Round of 32 – Seth Gross vs Andrii Dzhelep (Ukraine)

Takedown for Gross to open things up, Dzhelep picks up a point to make it 2-1 Gross. Step out point for Dzhelep but Gross leads 2-2 on criteria. Step out for Gross to go up 3-2. Gross with a feet to back 4 pointer to go up 7-2, Gross works in 3 tilts to end it. Gross wins 13-2.

Round of 16 – Seth Gross vs Eduard Grigorev (Poland)

Grigorev is on the shot clock first and does not score, Gross leads 1-0. The score remains 1-0 Gross, at the break. Gross is on the shot clock but he scores a takedown to cancel the clock and adds a tilt to go up 5-0. Terrible shot from Grigorev gives Gross a free takedown to go up 7-0. That will do it, Gross wins 7-0.

Quarterfinals – Seth Gross vs Suleyman Atli (Turkey)

Gross takedown very early to go up 2-0. Gross adds a step out to go up 3-0. Atli quickly in and picks up a takedown to make it 3-2 Gross. Atli is hit with caution and 1 for grabbing fingers so it is 4-2 at the break. Atli chases down a single leg attempt for a takedown at it is 4-4. Big 4 pointer by Gross to make it 8-4 in a scramble. Atli with a bad shot and Gross has 2. That’s it Gross wins 10-4.

Semi-Finals – Seth Gross vs Rei Higuchi (Japan)

Higuchi opens up with a takedown off of a scramble to go up 2-0 early. Another scramble and Higuchi picks up 2 on an exposure, Gross answers with 1 on the reversal, 4-1 Higuchi. That score holds to the break. 2 exposure for Gross and he cuts the score to 4-3. Takedown Gross off a bad shot, 2 exposure for Gross and 2 exposure for Higuchi, Gross leads 7-6. Higuchi with 2 on an exposure, USA challenges. Challenge lost so Higuchi has the lead 10-7 because they hit Gross with a caution and 1. 2 exposure for Higuchi in par terre and another exposure and that’s it, Higuchi wins 14-7.

Bronze – Seth Gross vs Arsen Harutyunyan (Armenia)

Harutyunyan picks up an early step out to go up 1-0. Takedown for Harutyunyan to make it 3-0. Harutyunyan drops down on a leg but action goes out of bounds so step out for Harutyunyan to make it 4-0. Step out for Harutyunyan to make it 5-0 and then a takedown for Harutyunyan to make it 7-0 at the break. Foot trip for Harutyunyan for 2 and a quick turn for another 2 to make it 11-0, USA challenges. Challenge lost, Harutyunyan wins 12-0 and Gross places 5th.

65 KG

Round of 32 – Yanni Diakomihalis vs Vazgen Tevanyan (Armenia)

Tevanyan is on the shot clock to open things up. Diakomihalis picks up that shot clock point to go up 1-0 with 1 minute left in the 1st period. No score change so Diakomihalis leads 1-0 at the break. 1 minute left and no score change. Tevanyan is now on the shot clock, Diakomihalis will take the lead on criteria 2-0. Diakomihalis picks up a takedown late to make it 4-0 and thats it, Diakomihalis wins 4-0.

Round of 16 – Yanni Diakomihalis vs Vladimir Dubov (Bulgaria)

Diakomihalis is quickly in on a takedown, add 2 for exposure and it is 4-0 early. Takedown Diakomihalis to go up 6-0 with 1:45 left in the period. Single leg for another takedown and 2 for exposure to end it. Diakomihalis wins quickly 10-0.

Quarterfinals – Yanni Diakomihalis vs Bajrang Punia (India)

Yanni picks up a step out to lead 1-0 early. Add 3 step outs in 1 minute for Diakomihalis and he leads 4-0. Scramble to end the period but no points, 4-0 Diakomihalis at the break. Yanni with 2 on the edge but India challenged. Call confirmed, 7-0 Diakomihalis on top. Diakomihalis adds a takedown to go up 9-0. Add a step out point for Diakomihalis and that’s it. Diakomihalis wins 10-0.

Semi-Finals – Yanni Diakomihalis vs Sebastian Rivera (Puerto Rico)

Takedown for Diakomihalis and directly into a gut wrench to go up 4-0 quickly. Takedown for Diakomihalis and he locks up a gut wrench and that’s it, Diakomihalis wins by a quick tech fall 10-0.

Finals – Yanni Diakomihalis vs Rahman Amouzad (Iran)

Diakomihalis with the takedown, Amouzad gets 2 on an exposure, somehow the scoreboard says 4-2, USA challenges. USA won the challenge and it was determined that Diakomihalis got multiple exposure points, the score is 8-6 in favor of Diakomihalis. Takedown Amouzad to make it 8-8 at the break with Diakomihalis leading on criteria. Amouzad with a step out to take a 9-8 lead. Amouzad adds 2 more takedowns and that will do it, Amouzad wins 13-8. Diakomihalis will take home SILVER.

70 KG

Round of 32 – Zain Retherford vs Kevin Henkel (Germany)

Retherford with a takedown early to go up 2-0. Nice takedown for Retherford into a lace for another 2 on exposure, Retherford is up 6-0 at the break. Double leg for Retherford out of the break and he picks up 2, 8-0 Retherford. Retherford finishes it off with another double leg for a takedown. Retherford wins 10-0.

Round of 16 – Zain Retherford vs Marc Dietsche (Switzerland)

Takedown for Retherford and immediately to to Dietsche back for 2 exposure. Retherford tightens up and is looking for the fall and gets it. Retherford wins by Fall in 1:10.

Quarterfinals – Zain Retherford vs Arman Andreasyan (Armenia)

Andreasyan goes on the shot clock first, no score from Andreasyan so Retherford takes a 1-0 lead. Retherford holds a 1-0 lead to the break. Retherford with a high single leg for 2, 3-0 Retherford. Retherford back in on the single but it’s a step out, 4-0 Retherford. Another single leg for Retherford that results in a step out, 5-0 Retherford. That’s it, Retherford wins 5-0.

Semi-Finals – Zain Retherford vs Zurabi Iakobishvili (Georgia)

Retherford in on a single leg but it is a step out to make it 1-0. Iakobishvili now on the clock gives up a point so it is 2-0 Retherford at the break. Retherford adds a step out point in the 2nd to go up 3-0. Retherford finishes out the match with 2 takedowns and he’s the winner by a score of 7-0.

Finals – Zain Retherford vs Taishi Narikuni (Japan)

Retherford is in on a single leg but Narikuni counters and finds a way to get the takedown early and locks up a leg lace and Narikuni will win it 10-0.

74 KG

Round of 32 – Kyle Dake vs Islambek Orozbekov (Kyrgyzstan)

Dake picks a single leg and trips Orozbekov to his back for 4. Dake adds a step out point and it is 5-0 Dake. Dake adds another takedown and directly into a gut wrench for 2, 9-0 Dake. Dake finishes it off with a step out point to win in the first round 10-0.

Round of 16 – Kyle Dake vs Suldkhuu Olonbayar (Mongolia)

Olonbayar goes on the clock first. Dake gets a step out point and the shot clock point to go up 2-0 early. Chest wrap for Dake and he takes Olonbayar to his back for 4, Mongolia challenges. Challenge lost, Dake is up 7-0 at the break. Dake picks up a step out point to go up 8-0. 2 for Olonbayar on exposure in a scramble and Dake also picks up 2 and 2. Dake will win it 12-2.

Quarterfinals – Kyle Dake vs Sagar Jaglan (India)

Big 5 pointer for Dake and Jaglan is in trouble. There it is, Dake wins by Fall in 0:42.

Semi-Finals – Kyle Dake vs Yones Emami (Iran)

Dake is on the shot clock first and gives up a point, Emami leads 1-0. Dake in on a shot but a great counter by Emami to take a 2-0 lead. We are headed to the break with Emami leading 2-0. Big 4 pointer on the edge for Dake, Iran challenges. Challenge won but caution and 1 is called, Dake leads on criteria 2-2. That’s it, Dake holds on to win by criteria 2-2.

Finals – Kyle Dake vs Tajmuraz Salkazanov (Slovakia)

Dake grabs a hold of a single leg, step out for Dake to go up 1-0. Takedown for Dake on the edge to extend his lead to 3-0. We go to the break with Dake leading 3-0. They hit Dake for caution and 1 so it is 3-1. Dake holds in to win GOLD 3-1.

79 KG

Round of 32 – Jordan Burroughs vs Sahergeldi Saparmyradov (Turkmenistan)

Burroughs with a double leg but action goes out of bounds, only 1 point for the step out. Saparmyradov picks up his own step out point but Burroughs quickly gets his own, Burroughs up 2-1. Blast double for 2 and 2 on exposure for Burroughs, add a caution and 2 so it is 8-1. Burroughs in par terre locks up a leg lace to end it. Burroughs wins 12-1.

Round of 16 – Jordan Burroughs vs Dejan Mitrov (North Macedonia)

Takedown for Burroughs to make it 2-0. Burroughs quickly back in for a takedown and add a leg lace for 2, 6-0. Burroughs with another takedown to go up 8-0. Mitrov picks up a step out point to make it 8-1. Burroughs with a big 4 on a throw and that ends it. Burroughs wins 12-1.

Quarterfinals – Jordan Burroughs vs Arsalan Budazhapov (Kyrgyzstan)

Budazhapov goes on the clock and Burroughs picks up a step out point, 1-0. Burroughs with a takedown on the edge, add the shot clock point to make it 4-0 Burroughs. Burroughs with a shot, Budazhapov counters but weakly and Burroughs picks up 4 on the edge to extend his lead to 8-0. Burroughs with another takedown and that’s it, Burroughs wins 10-0.

Semi-Finals – Jordan Burroughs vs Ali Umarpashaev (Bulgaria)

Shot attempt from Burroughs but Umarpashaev goes out of bounds, Burroughs up 1-0. Burroughs goes blast double but great counter from Umarpashaev to get a push out, 1-1 Umarpashaev on criteria. Burroughs adds another step out to go up 2-1. Relentless effort from Burroughs on a takedown to end the period, 4-1 Burroughs at the break. Takedown by Burroughs into a lace to make it 8-1. Caution and 1 against Burrough for a head slap, 8-2 Burroughs. Step out for Burroughs to make it 9-2. Thats it, Burroughs wins 9-2.

Finals – Jordan Burroughs vs Mohammad Nokhodi (Iran)

Burroughs goes on the shot clock first. Burroughs cannot score, Nokhodi leads 1-0. That is it for the 1st period, Nokhodi leads 1-0 at the break. Step out point to open up the period for Burroughs 1-1. Burroughs with a takedown to go up 3-1. Nokhodi goes on the shot clock with 1:12 left. Burroughs gets the point and he leads 4-1 with 0:40 left. Nokhodi gets a step out point but that’s it. Make it 6x for Jordan Burroughs as he wins 4-2.

86 KG

Round of 16 – David Taylor vs Aron Caneva (Italy)

Takedown for Taylor and immediately into a gut for 4 turns and that’ll do it. Taylor wins 10-0.

Quarterfinals – David Taylor vs Ethan Ramos (Puerto Rico)

Taylor with 2 on the takedown, he has the gut wrench locked for 2 turns, 6-0 Taylor early. Takedown for Taylor into an arm bar for the tilt, Puerto Rico challenges and loses. Taylor wins 11-0.

Semi-Finals – David Taylor vs Azamat Dauletbekov (Kazakhstan)

Dauletbekov will be on the clock first. Taylor will score the shot clock point to go up 1-0. Scramble to end the period but no score, 1-0 Taylor at the break. Taylor is in on a deep single and Taylor scores, 3-0 Taylor. Taylor adds 2 more takedowns to go up 7-0 with under 2 minutes left. 2 exposure for Taylor and it is now 9-0. 2 exposure for Taylor to go up 11-0 and Kazakhstan challenges. Challenge lost, Taylor wins 12-0.

Finals – David Taylor vs Hassan Yazdanicharati (Iran)

Taylor is put on the shot clock first. Yazdanicharati picks up a point to make it 1-0. Takedown Taylor with 25 seconds left in the 1st period to go up 2-1. Taylor will take his lead into the break. Takedown Taylor to take a 4-1 lead with 1:40 to go. Step out for Taylor to go up 5-1. Takedown Taylor with 0:29 left, 7-1. That’s it, Taylor wins 7-1.

92 KG

Round of 16 – J’den Cox vs Yuxiang Bi (China)

Cox gets a step out to go up 1-0 early. Cox with a big 5 point move with a back arch throw to make it 6-0 early. Cox also add 2 tilts and that will do it. Cox wins quickly 10-0.

Quarterfinals – J’den Cox vs Radoslaw Marcinkiewicz (Poland)

Step out point for Cox to take a 1-0 lead. Marcinkiewicz goes on the clock as well and gives up a point to make it 2-0. 2 for Cox on the edge to make it 4-0 and then Cox forces a step out to take a 5-0 lead at the break. Step out and caution and 1 for a 7-0 lead. Cox then with a takedown and a gut wrench for 2 more and that’s it. Cox wins 11-0.

Semi-Finals – J’den Cox vs Osman Nurmagomedov (Azerbaijan)

Nurmagomedov is on the shot clock first. No score change so Cox will take a 1-0 lead with 1 minute left in the match. Not much action, we head to the break with Cox up 1-0. Sweep single by Cox for a takedown to go up 3-0. Cox is starting to pull away as he picks up another takedown to go up 5-0. Shot by Nurmagomedov but Cox shrugs it off and gets 2 on an exposure. That will do it Cox moves on with a 7-0 win.

Finals – J’den Cox vs Kamran Ghasempour (Iran)

Ghasempour is on the shot clock first, Ghasempour gets 2 on a takedown to cancel the shot clock, he leads 2-0. Ghasempour leads 2-0 at the break. No score change in the 2nd period, Ghasempour wins 2-0, Cox takes home SILVER.

97 KG

Round of 16 – Kyle Snyder vs Zbigniew Baranowski (Poland)

Snyder opens up with a step out point to go up 1-0. Baranowski is now on the shot clock and does not score, Snyder leads 2-0 to the break. Snyder with a step out point to open up the 2nd period to go up 3-0. Snyder adds another step out to go up 4-0. Baranowski on the board with his own step out but that’s it, Snyder wins 4-1.

Quarterfinals – Kyle Snyder vs Magomedkhan Magomedov (Azerbaijan)

Magomedov in on an attack but Snyder counters for 2 and he picks up 4 more on exposure to make it 6-0 early.  Add 2 more takedowns and Snyder will win it by tech fall 10-0.

Semi-Finals – Kyle Snyder vs Mohammadhossein Mohammadian (Iran)

Snyder hits a double leg off the whistle and picks up 2 to go up 2-0 very early. Mohammadian is on the shot clock, Snyder gets the point to extend his lead to 3-0 to the break. Step out point for Mohammadian to cut it to 3-1. Step out point for Snyder with 0:06 to go and that’s it. Snyder wins 4-1.

Finals – Kyle Snyder vs Batyrbek Tsakulov (Slovakia)

Takedown for Snyder to go up 2-0 early. Tsakulov goes on the shot clock and dies not score, Snyder leads 3-0 at the break. Snyder opens up the 2nd period with a step out to go up 4-0. Snyder with another step out and the score is now 5-0. Snyder will get another step out to make it 6-0. Time runs out and Kyle Snyder will win 6-0 to win GOLD.

125 KG

Round of 32 – Hayden Zillmer vs Zyyamuhammet Saparov (Turkmenistan)

Saparov with an arm throw for 4 as Zillmer was exposed, 4-0 Saparov early. Zillmer cuts it to 4-1 with a step out point. Zillmer in on an attack and he gets 2, Zillmer locks in a gut for 2 turns and Zillmer now leads 7-4. Zillmer with a nice go-behind for 2 and we go to the break with Zillmer leading 9-4. Zillmer with a go-behind for 2, gut is locked again and that’s it. Zillmer wins 15-4.

Round of 16 – Hayden Zillmer vs Robert Baran (Poland)

Baran is put on the shot clock and Zillmer holds a 1-0 lead. That score holds to the break. Baran goes back on the clock in the 2nd period and will not score, Zillmer leads 2-0. Zillmer picks a single leg and picks up 1 on the edge for a step out, 3-0 Zillmer. Baran quickly with a go-behind for 2 to cut it to 3-2. That’s it, Zillmer wins it 3-2.

Quarterfinals – Hayden Zillmer vs Geno Petriashvili (Georgia)

Zillmer will be on the shot clock, no score so Petriashvili takes a 1-0 lead. Petriashvili nice inside crotch single for 2, 3-0 Petriashvili at the break. Step out point for Petriashvili to make it 4-0. Petriashvili with another takedown to go up 6-0. Zillmer picks up 2 on an exposure but Petriashvili scores 1 for a reversal, 7-2 late. Petriashvili with a double leg for 2. Zillmer with a late takedown but that’s it, Petriashvili wins 9-4.

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