2022 U23 World Championships Match Recaps – Men’s Freestyle

57 KG

Round of 16 – Vitali Arujau vs Bekzat Almaz Uulu (Kyrgyzstan)

Arujau on the board first with a step out, add a takedown and ankle lace to make it 5-0 early. Almaz Uulu gets 2 on a takedown to make it 5-2. Arujua forces a step out to make it 6-2. Now we are scrambling late in the period and Almaz Uulu gets 2 on exposure and cuts it to 6-4 at the break. Almaz Uulu forces a step out to make it 6-5 and then another step out to tie it at 6-6. Almaz Uulu picks up a takedown on a counter near the edge to take an 8-6 lead. Takedown awarded to Almaz Uulu on the edge, USA challenges. Challenge lost, add 1 for Almaz Uulu to make it 11-6. Time runs out and Almaz Uulu will win it 11-6.

61 KG

Round of 16 – Aaron Nagao vs Taiyrbek Zhumashbek Uulu (Kyrgyzstan)

Zhumashbek opens things up with a takedown to go up 2-0. Add another takedown for Zhumashbek to go up 4-0. Zhumashbek adds another takedown to make it 6-0. Nagao is put on the shot clock and does not score, 7-0. Zhumashbek adds 2 more points and time expires, Zhumashbek wins 9-0.

Repechage – Aaron Nagao vs Elkin Espana Santa (Colombia)

Nagao falls down on a single leg for a takedown to make it 2-0 early. Caution and 1 against Espana Santa so it is 3-0 and we go to par terre. Nagao gets a tilt to make it 5-0 but Espana Santa gets a 2 point reversal to make it 5-2 at the break. Nagao counters a shot from Espana Santa to make it 7-2 and after a discussion the officials award Nagao with 2 points on a tilt to make 9-2. We are scrambling and Espana Santa was awarded 2 on an exposure and they also give Nagao 2, Colombia challenges. Challenge lost, add a point for Nagao to make it 12-4. Nagao is awarded 2 on a tilt in a scramble as time runs out. Nagao wins 14-4.

Bronze – Aaron Nagao vs Emrah Ormanoglu (Turkey)

Takedown Ormanoglu to open things up, he leads 2-0. We are scrambling and Ormanoglu gets 2 on an exposure and a takedown to make it 6-0. Omanoglu working and he gets behhind for a takedown to make it 8-0 at the break. Nagao takes a shot and capitalizes for 2, Ormanoglu is hit for caution and one so Nagao cuts it to 8-3. Nagao is now hit with caution and one so it is 9-3. Nagao forces a step out to cut it to 9-4 but time expires. Ormanoglu wins 9-4 and Nagao places 5th.

65 KG

Round of 16 – Cole Matthews vs Gia Ugrelidze (Georgia)

We are scrambling and Matthews comes out on top for a takedown, 2-0 Matthews. No score change headed to the break, Matthews leads 2-0. Ugrelidze is on the shot clock and cannot score, 3-0 Matthews. Back to scrambling and this time Ugrelidze comes out on top for 2, that cuts Matthews lead to 3-2. Late takedown for Matthews on a throw to go up 5-2, Georgia challenges. Challenge lost, add a point for Matthews and he wins 6-2.

Quarterfinals – Cole Matthews vs Adlan Askarov (Kazakhstan)

Askarov is on the shot clock first but picks up a takedown to go up 2-0. Askarov picks up a takedown but Matthews gets the reversal to make it 4-1 at the break. Askarov back on the shot clock, Matthews picks up a step out point and add the shot clock point to make it 4-3. Askarov gets a late takedown to make it 6-3 and Matthews picks up a point but that is it, Askarov wins 6-4.

70 KG

Round of 16 – Yahya Thomas vs Emmanuel Olapade (Canada)

Thomas is in on the attack and picks up a step out point to go up 1-0. Olapade goes on the clock and does not score, 2-0 Thomas at the break. Olapade cannot get anything going in the 2nd period which means Thomas wins the bout 2-0.

Quarterfinals – Yahya Thomas vs Tobias Portmann (Switzerland)

Portmann on the shot clock to open things up, Thomas with a step out point and then add the shot clock point to make it 2-0. Thomas with a shot on the edge but it goes out of bounds, Thomas leads 3-0. Thomas is on the shot clock now and gives up the point to make it 4-1 but that is it. Thomas wins 4-1.

Semi-Finals – Yahya Thomas vs Amirmohammad Yazdanicharati (Iran)

Yazdanicharati is on the shot clock first and does not score, Thomas leads 1-0. Thomas picks up a step out point to go up 2-0. We head to the break with Thomas leading 2-0. Thomas goes on the shot clock and Yazdanicharati is on the attack, he picks up a takedown plus the shot clock point to take a 3-2 lead. Thomas was close to scoring but no points, USA challenges. Challenge lost, Yazdanicharati leads 4-2. Time runs out and that is it, Yazdanicharati wins 4-2.

Bronze – Yahya Thomas vs Kota Takahashi (Japan)

Thomas is put on the shot clock to open up the match and does not score, 1-0 lead for Takahashi. No score change heading to the break, Takahashi up 1-0. Takahashi now on the clock but is able to get a push put to avoid giving up a point, Takahashi leads now 2-0. Takahashi increases his lead with a takedown to make it 4-0 late. No score change, Takahashi wins 4-0 and Thomas will place 5th.

74 KG

Round of 16 – David Carr vs Sonny Santiago (Puerto Rico)

Carr opens up with a takedown to go up 2-0 early but Santiago answers with his own takedown to make it 2-2. Carr in on a single leg and he finishes for a takedown, gut wrench is locked in and Carr picks up 3 turns, Carr leads 10-2 at the break. Carr seals the match with a takedown to win 12-2.

Quarterfinals – David Carr vs Temuri Beruashvili (Georgia)

Carr opens up the scoring with a takedown to go up 2-0. Beruashvili gets a takedown of his own to make it 2-2. Carr in on a single but action goes out of bounds for only a step out, Carr leads 3-2. We head to the break with Carr leading 3-2. Beruashvili is awarded a step out with 13 seconds left to make it 3-3 with Beruashvili leading on criteria, USA challenges. Challenge lost which seals the match for Beruashvili as he wins 4-3.

79 KG

Round of 32 – Carter Starocci vs Oktay Hasan (Bulgaria)

Starocci in on a double leg but action goes out of bounds so only a step out, 1-0 Starocci. Single attempt for Starocci that goes out of bounds, 2-0 Starocci. Starocci back in on a shot for a takedown and then an ankle lace for exposure, 6-0 Starocci at the break. Starocci is in again but like before action goes out of bounds, 7-0 Starocci. Takedown Starocci and into an ankle lace for 2 and that is it. Starocci wins 11-0.

Round of 16 – Carter Starocci vs Erik Reinbok (Estonia)

Starocci opens up with a takedown to go up 2-0 early. Another takedown from Starocci to make it 4-0 at the break. Reinbok tries an attack bit a great counter for 2 in favor of Starocci to go up 6-0. Starocci ends it off with 2 more takedowns to win 10-0.

Quarterfinals – Carter Starocci vs Abdubasi Balta (Turkey)

Starocci is on the clock first and cannot score, 1-0 Balta. Starocci on the attack and he picks up a takedown, he leads 2-1 at the break. Starocci forces a step out to extend his lead to 3-1. Takedown Starocci and he locks in an ankle lace for turns and it is 7-1 quickly in the 2nd period. 2 and 2 for Starocci and that is it, Starocci wins 11-1.

Semi-Finals – Carter Starocci vs Daulet Yergesh (Kazakhstan)

Yergesh is on the shot clock first, Yergesh cannot score so Starocci leads 1-0. No score change headed to the break, Starocci leads 1-0. Yergesh gets the takedown and locks up an ankle lace to pick up 3 turns, Yergesh now leads 8-1. Starocci gets a takedown and adds an ankle lace to make it 8-5. Starocci gets a takedown very late in the match to make it 8-7 but time expires, Yergesh wins 8-7.

Bronze – Carter Starocci vs Valentyn Babii (Ukraine)

Starocci opens up with 2 step outs to make it 2-0 early. Starocci locks up a cradle and here we go, Starocci picks up 2 and 2 to make it 6-0. Starocci loked to score late but time expires on the period and we head to the break. Babii goes on the shot clock and does not score, 7-0 Starocci. Starocci in on the attack to pick up a takedown to extend his lead to 9-0. Starocci counters a shot from Babii to pick up 2 and end it, Starocci wins BRONZE 11-0.

86 KG

Round of 32 – Trent Hidlay vs Sajjad Gholami (Iran)

Gholami opens up with a takedown and add a gut wrench to take a 4-0 lead. Gholami in on a single leg for a takedown, 6-0 Gholami. Hidlay fights back for a takedown of his own to cut it to 6-2. Hidlay picks up 2 and 2 but Iran challenges. Challenge won, no points are awarded to Hidlay so it is still 6-2 at the break. Hidlay picks up 2 straight takedowns to make it 6-6. Off of the second takedown Hidlay locks up an ankle lace for 2, Hidlay leads 8-6. Duck under for a takedown and add an ankle lace to make it 12-6. Step out point for Hidlay to make it 13-6. Hidlay with a late takedown to seal the match, Hidlay wins 15-6.

Round of 16 – Trent Hidlay vs Nurtilek Karypbaev (Kyrgyzstan)

Hidlay picks up 4 on a throw on the edge, add another point for a step out to make it 5-0 headed to the break. Hidlay in on another attack but action goes out of bounds, add a step out point to make it 6-0. Time runs out with no score change, Hidlay wins 6-0.

Quarterfinals – Trent Hidlay vs Maksat Satybaldy (Kazakhstan)

Satybaldy is now on the shot clock and does not score, while on the shot clock Hidlay picks up a takedown and a turn for 2 and 2, Hidlay leads 5-0 at the break. Hidlay gets in on the attack and forces a step out to extend his lead to 6-0. Time expires and that will do it, Hidlay wins 6-0.

Semi-Finals – Trent Hidlay vs Ivan Ichizli (Moldova)

Hidlay with a hip toss for a takedown, add 2 turns on a gut wrench and it is 6-0 early. Add a step out point for Hidlay to make it 7-0. Hidlay tries to counter and was awarded 2, Moldova challenges. Challenge won, Ichizli is awarded a step out as action was on the edge so it is 7-1 at the break. Hidlay picks up a takedown in the 2nd period to go up 9-1. Low single from Hidlay and he gets the takedown to end it. Hidlay wins 11-1.

Finals – Trent Hidlay vs Tatsuya Shirai (Japan)

Hidlay opens things up forcing a step out to go up 1-0 early. Now Shirai is on the shot clock and cannot score, Hidlay takes a 2-0 lead. Shirai now forces his own step out and cuts the lead to 2-1 and we go to the break. Single leg for Shirai and he finishes it for a takedown to take a 3-2 lead. Caution and one called against Shirai to make it 3-3, Shirai holds criteria. Time expires with no score change. Shirai wins the match 3-3 on criteria, Hidlay earns SILVER.

92 KG

Round of 16 – Jacob Cardenas vs Denys Sahaliuk (Ukraine)

Cardenas in on a blast double but it goes out of bounds, Cardenas gets the step out to make it 1-0. The score remains 1-0 headed to the break. Sahaliuk is put on the shot clock to open up the 2nd period and does not score, Cardenas now leads 2-0. Cardenas is now put on the shot clock but Cardenas is able to score before the shot clock expires to make it 4-0 and time runs out, Cardenas wins 4-0.

Quarterfinals – Jacob Cardenas vs Baisal Kubatov (Kyrgyzstan)

Cardenas is put on the shot clock to open things up, Cardenas gets in on a shot and will score before the shot clock expires, he takes a 2-0 lead. Kubatov gets 2 with short time left in the period to take a 2-2 lead on criteria to the break. Kubatov is on the shot clock now and Cardenas is in on a double leg for 2 and 2 on exposure, add the shot clock point to make it 7-2. Time runs out and there is no score change, Cardenas wins 7-2.

Semi-Finals – Jacob Cardenas vs Miriani Maisuradze (Georgia)

Cardenas picks up a step out point to take a 1-0 lead. High single attempt for Cardenas but it goes out of bounds for a step out, Cardenas leads 2-0. Cardenas leads 2-0 at the break. Cardenas opens up the 2nd period with 2 to take a 4-0 lead. Cardenas spins around for another takedown to extend his lead to 6-0. Late takedown for Cardenas to seal it, Cardenas wins 8-0.

Finals – Jacob Cardenas vs Amirhossein Firouzpour (Iran)

Firouzpour forces a questionable step out to go up 1-0. Add another step out for Firouzpour to make it 2-0 early. Firouzpour gets Cardenas on his back for 2 and 2 to make it 6-0. Firouzpour now works the ankle lace into 2 turns and that ends it. Firouzpour wins by tech fall 10-0, Cardenas earns SILVER.

97 KG

Round of 16 – Tanner Sloan vs Mucahit Celik (Turkey)

Celik will go on the shot clock to open things up, no scoring from Celik, 1-0 Sloan. Sloan working a single leg on the edge and gets the takedown as action heads out of bounds, 3-0 Sloan at the break. Sloan in on a shot for a takedown to go up 5-0. Another takedown for Sloan to extend his lead to 7-0. Sloan with another takedown to make it 9-0. Sloan in on a shot but Celik counters for 2, Sloan picks up the reversal and a tilt to make it 12-2, Turkey challenges. Challenge won, Sloan only given the reversal so the score is 10-2. Time runs out with no score change, Sloan wins 10-2.

Quarterfinals – Tanner Sloan vs Andro Margishvili (Georgia)

Sloan goes on the shot clock and does not score, 1-0 Margishvili. Sloan gets behind for 2 and add 2 on exposure to make it 4-1 at the break. Sloan in on a shot but Margishvili counters for a step out to make it 4-2. Sloan in on a single and we are scrambling, Sloan comes out on top for 2 and it is 6-2. Late step out point for Margishvili but time expires, Sloan wins 6-3.

Semi-Finals – Tanner Sloan vs Islam Ilyasov (Azerbaijan)

Ilyasov is put on the shot clock first, Sloan picks up a point for a step out and the shot clock point to make it 2-0. Ilyasov gets 2 on a takedown to tie things up 2-2 with Ilyasov leading on criteria at the break. Sloan falls down on a leg to pick up a takedown, Sloan now leads 4-2. Sloan picks up 2 on a counter to go up 6-2. Sloan back in on a shot near the edge and picks up a takedown, Sloan leads 8-2. Sloan gets a late takedown and that is it, Sloan wins 10-2.

Finals – Tanner Sloan vs Amirali Azarpira (Iran)

Shot from Azapira but a great counter from Sloan in a scramble to take a 2-0 lead. Sloan goes on the shot clock and Azarpira forces a step out, shot clock runs out as well so we are tied at 2-2 with Sloan leafing on criteria. Azapira forces another step out to go up 3-2. Azarpira forces another step out to go up 4-2, Sloan answers with his own step out to make it 4-3. Sloan tries a shot late, no score and USA challenges in desperation. Challenge lost, add a point for the lost challenge and Azarpira wins 5-3. Sloan earns SILVER.

125 KG

Round of 16 – Anthony Cassioppi vs Lior Altshuler (Israel)

Body lock from Cassioppi and he goes feet to back for 4, add a gut wrench to make it 6-0. Cassioppi gets 2 on exposure to make it 8-0. Spin behind takedown for Cassioppi to end it, he wins 10-0.

Quarterfinals – Anthony Cassioppi vs Solomon Manashvili (Georgia)

Manashvili opens up with a takedown to go up 2-0. Wow, big 4 point er from Manashvili and add 2 on exposure to make it 8-0 quickly. Cassioppi gets back into the match with a takedown to make it 8-2. Another takedown from Cassioppi but Manashvili gets an exposure to make it 10-4. Takedown for Manashvili and it is now 12-4 at the break. Big 4 pointer for Manashvili to open up the 2nd period to end the match. Manashvili wins 16-4.

Repechage – Anthony Cassioppi vs Kai Shutto (Japan)

Cassioppi in on a leg and he will finish taking Shutto to his back on the edge. Cassioppi tightens up and is looking for the fall and he gets it. Cassioppi wins by Fall in 0:33.

Bronze – Anthony Cassioppi vs Yurri Idzinskyi (Ukraine)

Cassioppi walks out on the mat and gets his hand raised. Idzinskyi medically forfeits the bout so Cassioppi wins BRONZE by forfeit.

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